Premium HV

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Premium HV

PremiumHV comfort at any distance

When dealing with progressive lenses, visual wellbeing is obtained by maximum personalisation.

The innovative calculation method that takes in all the variables that can affect the quality of vision obtained by the end user, has made it possible to develop Premium HV, a progressive lens that guarantees maximum visual comfort in all situations of use. The design for a PremiumHV lens is arrived at by working on all the measurements taken by the optician, in order to ensure that the power is distributed in a way that meets the wearer’s real needs in use.

Peripheral distortion and aberration will be reduced to the very minimum for clearer, sharper images and greater visual safety, including when in motion.

PremiumHV also introduces the new concept of a CORRIDOR-FREE progressive lens in that the intermediate zone is generous enough to spare the wearer the disagreeable feeling of a “shadow zone”, regardless of the direction of gaze.

Because PremiumHV technology involves distributing the power across the entire surface of the lens, visual comfort increases exponentially. In near vision this means a broad field even for such activities as close reading. In distance vision, on the other hand, it delivers an astigmatism-free angle of 180°

  • Optimised fields for near and distance vision
  • Power evenly distributed across the lens surface
  • Personalised progression
  • Maximum reduction of peripheral distortion
  • Variable inset
  • Sharp vision in every direction
  • Interpupillary distance and progression height must be provided